Masai Mara is one of Kenya's most popular tourist attractions and one of our top-notch recommendations for our guests.

The reserve is situated on the southwest side of Kenya and has existed since 1961. It began as a wildlife sanctuary at 520 km2 and later expanded to 1821 km2 and converted into a Game reserve. To create land for settlement for the Masai who were the original occupants, 159km2 of the Game reserve was offered to them and the remaining 1510km2 stayed for the reserve use and was awarded the National reserve status.

Masai Mara reserve is the largest national reserve in Narok – a county in Kenya and it is boarded by Tanzania’s largest Serengeti National Park in the south, the Oloololo landscape in the West, and the Masai homesteads in the North, East, and West.

Masai Mara Reserve was named after the Masai people in their honor and respect for the preoccupation of this land and the name Mara in the Masai Language means spotted. The Masai People are radical and have maintained their traditions despite the advances in technology in modern life. They have maintained their dress code, house styles, spoken language called maa, cooking, and political life and so many people who visit them remain amused by their daily life.

What our experts love about Kenya

Uganda is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, including the Rwenzori Mountains, the Nile River, and numerous national parks like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, It's a prime destination for wildlife lovers

Lovy - Travel Expert

Masai Mara reserve is a sanctum for many wildlife species in the open Savanna grasslands like Blue wildebeest, topi, plains zebra, Thomson's gazelle, spotted Hyenas, East African Cheetahs, African wolves, black-backed jackals, African striped weasels, caracals, servals, honey badgers, aardwolves, African wildcats, side-striped jackals, bat-eared foxes, Striped polecats, African civets, genets, several mongoose species, and African clawless otters. but most popular for the BIG FIVE - lion, African leopard, African bush elephant, African buffalo, black and white rhinos. The reserve has two great rivers namely Talek and Mara that are sources of water for many animals especially in the hot months and also a refreshing spot for many water lovers like Hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles.

The most dominating animal species in the Reserve is the Wildebeest, they exist in millions and are one of the reasons why the Reserve is so popular in African destinations. The wildebeest normally migrate from the Serengeti National Park in the South in the hot months like July to the North in search of fresh pastures and water only to return in the cold months again like October. So many people flock to the reserve to witness the MASAI MARA WILDEBEEST MIGRATION.

Masai Mara is a nest for over 450 bird species with 45 endemic species including the rare Ostrich species, which is the largest bird in the world. Common bird species include Marabou storks, vultures, secretary birds, Crowned cranes, Secretary birds, African pygmy falcons, lilac-breasted roller- Kenya’s national bird, Rosy – throated long, Ruppels vulture, Egyptian vulture, African fish eagle, Tawny Eagle, Kori bustard among others.

Activities Around Masai Mara Reserve

  • Wildebeest in migration
  • Game Drive
  • Birding
  • Nature Walks
  • Cultural tours
  • Balloon Safaris
  • Other Activities
Wildebeest in migration

Wildebeest migration in masai mara reserve

The Wildebeest migration is one of the most popular safari activities in the World - included among the seven natural wonders of Africa. The Wildebeest trek is a never-miss-out activity for our guests out on Safari in Kenya, one of their remarkable moments with the greatest feedback is the when they witness the animals trek from the then hot Serengeti National Park in the South to the cooler adjoining Masai Mara reserve in the North in search for greener pastures, fresh waters, mating and calving seasons.

The migration goes for about 40 kilometers in length and the trek normally starts in the month of July ending in October. In July, the Wildebeests begin their trek heading North in the Masai Mara region crossing through different plains and rivers like Grumeti River, Talek rivers.

Sadly, not all the wildebeests get to reach the North as some are cut short of the journey due to predator attacks like Crocodiles feast on the wildebeests as they cross the rivers, the fast running waters of the Rivers drown some of them and the lions / leopards prey on the young and vulnerable calves in the Savannah plains.

As it begins to cool down in the South that is around the month of October, the animals begin to head south of Tanzania’s Serengeti, the trek usually happens twice a year though it could go on for more times based on the rainfall and climate patterns.

Although the walk is popular for the wildebeests, they are accompanied by other animals like the Thomson’s gazelles, Topi, common elands and Grant’s zebras among others which increases on the diversity of the sightings.

Game Drive

Gme drive in masai mara reserve

Exprience a game drive in the open Savanna grasslands, following the demarcated trails, in search of the wildlife in Masai Mara Reserve including Blue wildebeest, Topi, Zebra, Thomson's gazelle, spotted Hyenas, East African Cheetahs, African wolves, black-backed jackals, African striped weasels, caracals, serval, honey badgers, aardwolves, African wildcats, side-striped jackals, bat-eared foxes, Striped polecats, African civets, genets, several mongoose species, and African clawless otters plus the BIG FIVE - lion, African leopard, African bush elephant, African buffalo, black and white rhinos. Enjoy the magnificent sightings of wildlife species at the shores of the two great rivers namely Talek and Mara that are sources of water for many animals especially in the hot months and also a refreshing spot for many water lovers like Hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles.


Birding in masai mara reserve

Masai Mara Reserve sanctums over 450 bird species with 45 endemic species which makes it one of the best birding Spots in Kenya. The birding adventure in Masai Mara is very a satisfying excursion done on foot and in a safari vehicle.

Possible bird sightings include: Marabou storks, vultures, secretary birds, Crowned cranes, Secretary birds, African pygmy falcons, lilac breasted roller- Kenya’s national bird, Rosy – throated long, Ruppels vulture, Egyptian vulture, African fish eagle, Tawny Eagle, Kori bustard and the rare Ostrich specie which is the largest bird in the world.

Nature Walks

Nature walks in masai mara reserve

Masai Mara Reserve is so blessed with flora and fauna, get ready for the powerful sceneries.

Experience on a nature walk in the dawn hours of the day through the savanna plains, along the river banks, on top of the metamorphic rocks. Possible sightings include: Blue wildebeest, Topi, Zebra, Thomson's gazelle, spotted Hyenas, East African Cheetahs, African wolves, black-backed jackals, African striped weasels, caracals, serval, honey badgers, aardwolves, African wildcats, side-striped jackals, bat-eared foxes, Striped polecats, African civets, genets, several mongoose species, and African clawless otters plus the BIG FIVE - lion, African leopard, African bush elephant, African buffalo, black and white rhinos. Enjoy the magnificent sightings of wildlife species at the shores of the two great rivers namely Talek and Mara that are sources of water for many animals especially in the hot months and also a refreshing spot for many water lovers like Hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles.

The vast panoramic views of Masai Mara are truly spectacular and will give you a true sense of being in the wild, open savannah.

Cultural tours

Cultural tours in masai mara

The Masai Mara Reserve is bordered by the Masai homesteads in the North, East, and West. To create land for settlement for the Masai who were the original occupants, 159km2 of the Game reserve was offered to them and the Masai people have co –existed with the animals so quite long time.

The Masai people are full time pastoralists and depend on cattle grazing for a living, your visit to the Masai community is of great financial aid to the Masai people. The cultural tour starts with a visit to the homesteads of the Masai people and it majorly headed by the local cultural leader in assistance of an interpreter since most of these Masai people are not English speakers but speak the MAA language.

The cultural tour gives you the experience of the daily life of a Masai person from their source of food, how it is prepared, to the cattle grazing and entire process involved, to the entertainment – the dances and songs, to how they construct their muddy homes, to their family hierarchy, even meeting traditional medicinal healers among others.

Balloon Safaris

Hot air balloon in masai mara reserve

Hot air balloon is a rare and unique activity done in East Africa. Not so many tourist places arrange the amazing activity, it is done in a few and Masai Mara is among the blessed places where guests get to enjoy the amazing views and powerful sceneries from an aerial point of view.

The day starts with a hot breakfast from your accommodation before heading to the Hot air balloon launch site. Before you are airlifted, the pilot will first brief you for approximately 10 – 15 minutes. The briefing entails the safety precautions, rules, and regulations in general just to give you a picture of what to expect and how to react and behave in case of anything.

Get into the basket, ready for the adrenaline experience as the balloon soars to the vault of heaven. It is normal to be chilled up at the start but after few minutes, your attention drifts to the beautiful views of the animals resting, walking, playing, and hunting away in the Savanna plains.

Ascend past the rivers and continue above the treetops – the experience cannot be summarized in words but all those that have participated in balloon experience have a memory to chat over back home.

Other Activities

Other activies in masai mara reserve

Horse Safaris

Enjoy the enthralling sceneries of the reserve from the horse back, a very unique aspect as it can only be done in Masai Mara. The horse riding safari is run by Mihingo Lodge with experienced staff together with the ranger, embark on your 1 to 3 hours ride, the trail is based on your expertise and also the horses are also well trained for this activity which makes it a secure.

Ride past the African buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, and monitor lizards, numerous bird species like the flamingos, African skimmer, kingfishers, and fish eagles among others plus bird species like the kinds of the kingfishers in the savanna plains.

How to get to masai mara reserve

You can access the Masai Mara Reserve through two options:

Option 1: Using domestic flights.

Most international flights land at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, so you can connect directly with your scheduled flight to Masai Mara. The flight is 45 to 60 minutes. Your guide and vehicle will pick you up from the Masai Airstrip to your Lodge.

Option 2: Using the road

The commonest way of travel is driving from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to Masai Mara. It is 6 – 7 hours drive between Nairobi and Masai Mara. It is recommendable choose of travel for guests interested in enjoying the road scenery, African Massage among others.

Talk to an expert

Our Travel Specialists are experts in East Africa adventures. They can answer your questions and help you pick the perfect trip. Contact us to learn more or book your trip today!

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